Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Take Your Clothes Off

…He said firmly but quietly.

“What?” I asked him?

"Take your clothes off."

He stood there leaning against the kitchen counter – one hand in his jeans pocket, the other on the counter – his left leg crossed over the right.

I was suddenly shy and the look on his face wasn’t helping.  He wasn’t exactly smiling, but it wasn’t a smirk either; something in between.  Whatever it was, he looked almost satisfied and it reached his eyes.  I felt myself blush and I turned my back to him and started undressing.

I stood before him, naked.  He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me.  I pressed my hips against him.  He was incredibly hard.  He turned me around so I was facing the counter and spread my legs. 

While he was tasting me from behind, he asked me about the night before.  I had stayed overnight in the city and didn’t know if he would be joining me.  I meant to pack my vibrator in case he didn’t, but completely forgot it.  I told him I made due with my fingers. 

“Will you show me?”

Since he asked, instead of telling me, I stood there quietly.  I turned around and he lifted me up onto the counter.

I sat there, spread open in front of him and watched as he knelt between my legs.  He continued to hold my gaze as he took my clit in his mouth.  He slowly brought me to climax, teasing me with his tongue while he worked his fingers in my cunt. 

After I came, he put his fingers in my mouth and I sucked myself off of him.

He eased me off the counter and I laid my head on his chest, breathless and spent.  Absently, I rubbed his cock through his jeans.

"Is that what you want?" he asked.

"Yes, please."

"Take it out."

I undid his belt and jeans and reached in for him.

Holy Fuck.  He was commando.  I have no explanation as to why this thrilled me, but it did.

I don't know if he carried me or I walked, but the next thing I knew, he had me up against and facing the wall - holding my wrists high above my head.  He fucked me like this; slamming me into the wall, pulling me by my hair, twisting my head around to kiss him.  I turned around and he picked me up, wrapping my legs around him and took me standing up.

There are so many things he does that might not seem like much to him, that elevate this for me and it becomes intensely intimate.

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