Sunday, November 7, 2010

Feeling Sexy

by Kim Addonizio

There's an arrow wound in my amygdala
leaking honey into my parietal lobe.
It makes me want to say things
disallowed from serious poetry
and employ instead the lexicon of porn spam.
I want to make crude statements involving fluids.
Obscenity, expletive, body part.
Imperative verb, possessive pronoun, body part.
I want push to show up at shove's office.
I want to change my address
to last night's wet dream,
I want a plot in that cemetery.
Come and unearth me anytime.

1 comment:

  1. For this poem, Kim emphasizes the vulgarity of her theme without using vulgar language, which is the perfect example of paralepsis. She uses very technical terms to describe something that is usually messy complicated and confusing, which exemplifies her struggle with the element of relationships that can't be easily defined and controlled.
