Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wax On...Wax Off...

I have tried on MANY, countless occasions, to wax. 

Oh, but the pain!

In salons and on my own, I have only gotten as far as a very wide landing strip.

"You will wax.  Everything gone."

Or something to that effect.

Because he (ecD) wanted full access to my clit.

My answer was; "Of course.  Because being fully waxed would offer SO much more access than a landing strip would..."

I spent the day shopping.  I tried on countless frilly, featherweight, silky, slinky, lacy things.  I had my hair cut and colored.  I drank too many lattes...

Then I waited for my appointment with Aria. 

I sent a text to ecD letting him know.  He replied that he likes knowing that I am doing this for him.

The waiting area is very quiet.  There is a waterfall in the corner.  The sound of the water cascading off of the pebbles is the only sound until Aria comes to greet me.


Of course she uses the my real name.

We walk the into the room and we talk about the whole process: what she will be doing, how long it will take, aftercare and questions or concerns I have.

She leaves while I disrobe.

When I am done, and before I lay down, I text ecD to let him know that it is beginning and that I am anxious.  He assures me I will be fine.

She starts.


Okay. I suppose it wasn't that bad...

But as she works her way in, it gets worse.

The area right down the center - right above my cleft - is painful beyond words, but I manage to find a few choice ones to utter loudly.

I don't stop her.

In my mind, ecD is here with me.  Holding my hand.  Shushing me.  Whispering soothing words in my ear.  Stroking my hair.  Telling me I am a good girl.

This is to be a Brazilian wax.  Everything off - front to back and everything in between. 

It's the in between part that has always scared me in the past.  If the bikini area hurts bad, that area should hurt more, right?

It didn't.  At all.  There was sensation, but I wouldn't call it pain.  

She finishes up, goes after any strays, and shows me her work.


I usually shave everything, so I'm used to how I look with no hair, but still...


I like it.

I text ecD after I dress and tell him it is over and that there was a moment, although brief, that I hated him.

I am kidding.

He knows this.  He sees right through me.

My phone beeps when he replies.

"Show me."

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